Registration - Paper Submission Guideline

Call for papers

Science and Technology (S&T) sessions of EKC provides an excellent opportunity for the participants to exchange state of the art knowledge in comprehensive scientific areas ranging from basic science to engineering and policy. In addition EKC has been a valuable place to develop collaboration opportunities between Korea and Europe, and to find appropriate partners for research or business. Therefore participants from diverse sectors as well as academia are strongly encouraged to attend S&T sessions to share their insights with each other. Multidisciplinary and multi sectoral collaboration is the main feature of EKC.

Account generation

Please create your account on the submission system to submit an abstract. Once your account is generated, it will be used for both the registration for abstract submission and the EKC 2018 conference. Note that authors should register for the conference and abstract submission separately.

Abstract submission

1. The submission system requires the following contents: ■ Title ■ Subject group (multiple choice is possible) ■ Name of authors (the presenting author should be indicated with the presenter’s email address) ■ Affiliation (with city and country) of authors ■ Abstract (minimum 300, maximum 400 words) ■ Keywords (5 keywords required) ■ Short biography of the main authors (maximum 500 characters including spaces) ■ In case you come to present a poster (the decision between oral and poster presentations will be announced in due course), please select whether you would like to participate in the Poster Award Competition 2. Abstracts should be written in English. 3. Authors will be notified of their submission confirmation via email once the submission is completed. 4. Important dates are as below.

Important Dates

15th Feb Opening of abstract submission ■ 15th Apr Due date of abstract submission ■ 30th Apr Notification of abstract acceptance to authors